General FEM Analysis

ADAPT-Builder offers the industry’s only true dual mode 3D FEM analysis platform that can analyze the same building model in both a full-structure and a single-level analysis mode within the same instance of program use. Each analysis mode is configured to provide the proper analysis results and supports specific design workflow requirements. To support interoperability between the two analysis modes, ADAPT-Builder saves only the analysis results of the last Multi-Level and Single-Level run for all vertical components - columns and walls. ADAPT-Builder will store the column and wall reactions for each multi-level analysis based on its Usage Case. This allows users to combine different load cases using different usage case reactions in a single-level analysis.

Reapplication of global reactions in single level mode is commonly used in the design of transfer level and foundations within ADAPT-Builder. Other applications include column and wall design. Global reactions are not limited to these instances and can be used at your discretion. The program mode (Multi-Level or Single-Level ) delineates which type of analysis will be performed. You can perform either a Multi-Level Analysis or a Single-Level Analysis. The Analysis Option Window allows you to choose the options for including global reactions in a single-level analysis. Once the analysis is complete you can View Graphical Results for the last analysis solution.